Introduction to German VDE certification The full name of VDE certification is Prufstelle Testing and Certification Institute, which means the German Institute of Electrical Engineers. It is directly involved in the development of German national standards. VDE is composed of about 30,000 organizations and individual members. These members mainly come from organizations of the federal government / state representatives / industrial research institutions.

VThe VDE Testing and Certification Institute in Offerbach, Offenbach, Germany, is an institute of the Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE), established in 1920. As a neutral and independent institution. VDE's laboratories inspect and certify electrical products in accordance with the application, in accordance with German VDE standards or European EN standards, or IEC International Electrotechnical Commission standards. It is one of the most experienced certification bodies in Europe with a high reputation in the world. It completes a total of 18,000 certification projects each year for nearly 2200 German companies and 2700 customers in other countries. So far, 200,000 electrical products in nearly 50 countries have obtained the VDE mark. In many countries, the VDE certification mark is even more famous than the national certification mark, especially recognized and valued by importers and exporters.

消费者 Consumers can be completely assured of products that have been tested and certified by VDE laboratories in accordance with strict standards.

The survey report shows that 62% of Germans already know the VDE mark, which makes it one of the most famous safety marks. Most people think that safety markings on electrical appliances are important, and 77% of Germans who are familiar with VDE markings hold this attitude. Seventy-three percent of German citizens consider it important or important that a neutral agency conducts security checks on electrical products.

Is one of Europe's most experienced test certification and inspection agencies, is a CE notified body authorized by the European Union and a member of the international CB organization. In Europe and internationally, it has been recognized by the CENELEC European certification system for electrical products, the European coordination system for CECC quality assessment of electronic components, the worldwide IEC electrical products, and electronic component certification systems. The products evaluated include a wide range of household and commercial appliances, IT equipment, industrial and medical technology equipment, assembly materials and electronic components, wires and cables, etc.

VDE certification mark

名称 Name of the German National Institute of Electrical Engineers (VDE) National Certification Agency: VDE-PRUFSTELLE TESTING AND CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE VDE is a well-known German certification agency that directly participates in the formulation of German national standards. Like the UL certification mark, only VDE companies can authorize the use of the VDE certification mark. Most people's understanding of VDE certification rests on the certification of electrical components. In fact, in addition to the traditional certification of electrical components, wires, cables, and plugs, the VDE test can also issue EMC and VDE-GS marks.

VDE certification mark

VDE certification mark, applicable to a sentence of equipment safety regulations (GSG) appliances, such as medical devices, electrical parts and wiring accessories.

VDE-GS logo

The VDE-GS certification mark is applicable to complete appliances in accordance with equipment safety regulations (GSG) (can replace the VDE certification mark).

European ENEC mark

The European ENEC certification mark is currently mainly applicable to products such as lamps and accessories, energy-saving lamps, IT equipment, transformers, household switches and so on.

VDE-EMC logo

The VDE-EMC mark applies to appliances that comply with electromagnetic compatibility standards.

VDE cable sign

VDE cable logo, suitable for cables, insulated flexible wires and conduits.

VDE certification process

1. First consultation:

The applicant provides us ( with the company profile and VDE certified product descriptions such as: product model, name, parts list, drawing, working principle diagram, technical parameter table, instructions for use, etc.

2. Establish agency relationship:

The client (applicant) and the agent (CEI) signed an agency agreement to further clarify the responsibilities, powers and obligations of the two parties in the form of a written contract to ensure that the two parties can cooperate closely during the application process, so that the application can be carried out smoothly and meet expectations purpose. At the same time, the power of attorney is the legal basis that CEI must submit to VDE to prove that it has been entrusted by the applicant.

3. Application confirmation:

收到 After receiving the formal application form and structural parameter form, VDE will formally confirm the application in writing within 2-4 weeks, and send the invoice, factory inspection questionnaire and other materials.

4.Send samples:

When the VDE application is confirmed, it will inform the specific sample delivery requirements and the relevant standards on which the test is based. After the samples are completed, they must be self-tested according to the standard requirements or sent to the relevant domestic laboratories for prediction. After the prediction is qualified, the sample can be safely and accurately sent to VDE for testing by Speedpost.

1) Once all the test items are passed, the applicant will be notified as soon as possible.

2) The inspection results may be defective. For some minor defects, the certification body communicates with VDE. As long as it is slightly modified, it is not necessary to resend the sample, and VDE can issue the certificate.

  3) When there are important defects in the test results, the certification body will discuss the reasons for the failure with the applicant. If necessary, please ask VDE to send back the failed samples for reference analysis. After the sample has been modified, go through the re-inspection procedure and send the sample again until it is qualified. If the sample is resent within six months, the cost of retesting will be greatly reduced.

5. VDE certified factory inspection:

的 The factory inspection before issuing the certificate and the regular or irregular supervision and review after the certificate is obtained. Before the factory inspection, the certification body appointed experts to assist the manufacturing plant to conduct self-inspection of production facilities, experimental equipment, metrology and the entire quality system against VDE requirements. During the review, the inspectors put forward rectification requirements to assist the manufacturer to discuss the rectification measures as soon as possible and implement them promptly until the re-inspection is qualified.

6. Issue VDE certification