Product after-sales service certification

The "People's Republic of China Certification and Accreditation Regulations" stipulates that China's certification is divided into "product, service, management system" three types of certification. Among them are "3C", "Green Food". Etc, belong to the product certification category. "Iso9001 quality management system", "IS014001 environmental management system", etc., belong to the management system certification category. Another category is service certification. Commodity after-sales service certification belongs to the service certification category. It uses the "Commodity After-sales Service Evaluation System" standard (GB / T27922-2011) to review the service capabilities of enterprises and evaluate service levels.

Current situation:

  1) State Council Document No. 26 of 2014, “Guideline of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Productive Services and Promoting the Adjustment and Upgrade of Industrial Structure” Service network to improve service quality and improve service system. Improve the product. Three packs. The system promotes the development of after-sales services such as product distribution, installation and commissioning, trade-in and replacement, and actively uses information technologies such as the Internet, the Internet of Things, and big data to develop new types of after-sales services such as remote detection and diagnosis, operation and maintenance, and technical support. Vigorously develop professional maintenance and repair services, accelerate the development and application of technology, promote the innovation of maintenance and repair services business and service models, and encourage the development of full life cycle services such as equipment supervision, maintenance, repair and operation. Actively develop professional and socialized third-party maintenance and repair services, and support qualified industrial enterprises' internal institutions to transform into professional maintenance and repair companies. Improve after-sales service standards, strengthen the construction of a professional after-sales service team, improve the after-sales service certification system and quality monitoring system, and continuously improve customer satisfaction.

  2) The certification pilot is over and the country will vigorously promote it.
  Under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce and the Certification and Accreditation Administration, Beijing Wuzhou Tianyu Certification Center has completed more than 20 industries such as automobiles, home appliances, construction machinery, clothing, furniture, home improvement, factories, shopping malls, jewelry, electrical, aerospace, and aviation Pilot work. Relevant national departments are formulating relevant policies to vigorously promote the certification of after-sales service of commodities.

  3) There are more and more credit acceptance industries.
  So far, more than a dozen industries such as construction machinery, environmental sanitation machinery, group purchase clothing, home improvement, teaching equipment, etc. will have the after-sales service certification as a necessary condition in the bidding.

  4) Enterprises pay more and more attention to after-sales service
  More and more companies realize that after-sales service is the last trump card in the market competition. Haier, Midea, Xiamen Airlines, Zoomlion, Delixi, Caishikou Department Store, Mengjinyuan, Hongdou, Yadi, Emma and other large enterprises have established a complete after-sales service system. Leading role, more and more companies attach importance to after-sales service, one after another to pass certification.

Benefits of certification

(1) Authoritative certification. Certified enterprises prove their service leadership across the country.

(2) Important references and qualification requirements for bidding and government procurement of large enterprises and institutions.
 (3) Consumers recognize that certified companies can mark the "After-sales Service Certification" star mark on their products and packaging, which is persuasive and confirmable for consumers to shop with confidence.

 (4) The enterprise service standards are met, and the certified enterprise service capabilities meet national standards, which can strengthen service management levels and service capabilities.
 (5) Continuously improve services, improve the service system, establish a good reputation for after-sales service, continuously improve the quality of services, and enhance the continuous income of the service profit chain.

The difference between management system certification and product after-sales service certification
(1) Different meanings of names
  "Commodity after-sales service evaluation system" standard. "Evaluation system" refers to a system that evaluates "commodity after-sales service". The system includes evaluation methods and evaluation indicators. Commodity after-sales service certification refers to the use of this system to conduct external audits and certification of enterprises.
  "Management system" is a proper term that can also be called "collection of management methods", which refers to the management measures taken by an enterprise in quality control. The key word for management system certification is the word "management system", which means to certify "management system". For example, the quality management system iso9001, the result of certification is to prove that the company has managed according to the requirements of the iso9001 standard.
  One of them is the certification of enterprise service capabilities, and the other is the certification of enterprise management measures.

(2) Different certification types
  Article 17 of the "People's Republic of China Regulations on Certification and Accreditation" stipulates that: "The State promotes certification of products, services, and management systems in accordance with the needs of economic and social development." China currently has the above three types of certification.

  Commodity after-sales service certification is a service certification category, and a "service certification certificate" is issued. The management system certification is a management system certification category, issued, "management system certification". Another type of certification is product certification, which is to verify the physical and chemical characteristics of the product (whether it has reached a certain technical index, such as electrical characteristics, pesticide residues, etc.), such as 3C certification, green food certification, etc. ".
  The three types of certification are side-by-side, line-by-line, and have different properties. The certification results are not divisional and should not be confused.
Article 25 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation stipulates that "who obtains a certification certificate shall use the certification certificate and certification mark within the scope of certification, and shall not use products, service certification certificates, certification marks and related words and symbols to mislead the public They believe that their management system has been certified, and they must not use the management system certification certificate, certification standards and related words and symbols to mislead the public into thinking that their products and services have passed certification. "


(3) Differences in evaluation requirements and results

The "Good Product After-Sales Service Evaluation System" (GB / T27922-2011) is an evaluation standard. The purpose of certification is to evaluate excellence. The result of the certification is to prove that the company has implemented after-sales service in accordance with standards and reached a certain height (star rating). He is a scoring system certification, which measures the level of service ability according to the value of the evaluation, reaching 70 points (including 70 points) and up to standard service; reaching 80 (including 80 points) and three-star service; Reaching 90 (including 90 points) and above, four-star after-sales service; Reaching 95 (including 95 points) and above, five-star after-sales service.

  The management system certification is to check whether the company's management methods and activities all meet its standard requirements (if there is no compliance, it cannot pass the certification), and there is no point requirement.


Certification process

  (1) The enterprise contacts the consulting company to sign a contract to produce system manuals, documents and other materials.

  (2) The consulting company submits an application to the certification company, and submits an application form and corresponding materials.

  (3) A certification contract is signed after the certification company has passed the examination materials.

  (4) The certification center arranges the first stage review, and the enterprise cooperates to complete the market survey data.

  (5) The certification center sends an assessor to the enterprise site to conduct the second-stage review and scoring.

  (6) After the final review and approval by the review committee, a corresponding star certification certificate is issued.


Time from certification application to certification

Depending on the preparation and review of the company, generally 1-3 months.


Validity period of certification, cycle of supervision and review

  The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of issue.

  On-site supervision and review shall be conducted at least once every 3 years.