In order to enable consumers to better understand the certification marks displayed on the products they purchase, and to reduce various certification costs for product manufacturers, the Korean Technical Standards Institute (KATS) announced on August 20, 2008 The new certification system KC (Korea Certification) was implemented on January 1. The plan has been implemented in the Ministry of Knowledge Economy since July 2009, and is expected to be extended to all departments by the end of 2010. The new certification method divides the applied products into two categories: products of category 1 (compulsory certification) require factory inspection, and the certificate has no validity period; products of category 2 (voluntary certification) do not require factory inspection, and the certificate is valid for five years. South Korea will classify audio and video (AV) products, some information (IT) products, and power supplies of personal computers that were originally non-mandatory as "Voluntary Safety Verification," with certificates valid for five years. The audio and video products and some information products that have applied for the EK mark will be automatically converted to the new category in the system of the Korean certification authority, and the certificate is valid from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013. For details, please refer to "Related Product Catalog". In addition, Korea has unified the original EK mark as the KC mark since July 1, 2009. Since the conversion of the mark does not affect the certification safety standards, the original certificate does not need to be updated in any version, but the original EK mark will only Can be used until June 30, 2011, after which the "logo" on the product nameplate must be converted to the KC mark before it can be sold in Korea. At the same time, the 13 existing certification marks such as the electrical product mark "K", the gas product mark "inspection", the daily necessities mark "KPS", and the information communication equipment mark "MIC" will also be upgraded to the compulsory certification mark "KC" Correspondingly, more than 20 kinds of examination methods for various certifications will be reduced to 9 types.

The implementation plan of the KC logo is as follows: (1) December 2008: Revised the Basic Law and Implementation Order of National Standards; (2) July 2009: The Ministry of Knowledge Economy began to implement and use the national unified logo KC; (3) 2009 January to December 2010: Amended the laws related to standard certification; (4) January 2011: Applying the national unified mark KC to all certifications. 2. Other matters With the introduction of the "self-regulatory safety confirmation system" introduced by the classification of electrical products by the degree of hazards, and the "safety investigation system" to prevent hazards caused by electronic products other than those subject to safety certification, establish a simple legal system and improve Some weak points in operation will modify all electrical product safety laws. In order to ensure the implementation of the self-regulatory safety confirmation system, we have formulated products and procedures for self-regulatory safety confirmation target products and self-regulatory safety confirmation. Only a product safety test is required to prevent the product from accidents in the market. Such products belong to the self-regulatory safety certification. For example, AV products and some office electrical appliances are relatively less hazardous products, so they are classified as products subject to self-regulatory safety confirmation. The establishment of a self-regulatory safety confirmation declaration system can reduce the burden on enterprises. As long as the product is tested (safety, electromagnetic compatibility testing) at a safety testing institution and confirmed, it can be sold after the declaration is made, without the need for factory inspection. The above provisions will be implemented from January 1, 2009. For electrical appliances that have obtained safety certification in accordance with the original regulations, the new "Electrical Appliance Safety Management Law" has been converted into a product subject to self-disciplined safety confirmation reporting. No need to apply for certification again. This certification number can be used until December 31, 2013. day. According to the original regulations, electrical appliances that are not subject to safety management are currently the products designated by safety certification targets or self-regulatory safety confirmation reporting targets, and the management law will apply from January 1, 2010. For electrical appliances that have obtained safety certification before the implementation of the Electrical Appliances Safety Management Law, the original EK mark can be used until June 30, 2011, after which it must be converted into a KC mark. For the progress of detailed requirements for KC certification, please pay attention to the announcement of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) and the information of KC certification authority Korea Information Security Agency (KISA).

At present, there are mainly two license issuing agencies in South Korea KC, South Korea KTC and South Korea KTL. In mainland China, the agencies authorized by KTC are Shenzhen AMB Testing Laboratory, which is also a domestic institution with rich application experience.

KC certification mark


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2. Marking Label samples

1) Content of product label

① Mark and safety certification