Introduction of Taiwan BSMI certification


      BSMI is the abbreviation of "Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection" in English.


      According to the announcement of the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, starting from July 1, 2005, products entering the Taiwan region must be subject to electromagnetic compatibility and safety regulations. According to different products, it is divided into the following three authentication methods:


      (I) Type approval batch inspection or verification registration (25 items)

      Includes accounting machines, cash registers, analog or hybrid automatic data processors, portable digital automatic data processors, other digital automatic data processors, other digital automatic data processors, and other digital items except items 8147.41 or 8471.49 Processing unit, terminal, dot matrix lister, laser lister, daisy wheel lister, other lister, keyboard, image scanner, other input or output unit, calculator with special program control, or text with memory energy Processors, magnetic or optical readers, data input devices for data input processors, other automatic data processors, automatic teller machines belonging to Section 8471, uninterruptible power supplies (with a capacity not exceeding 10 VA), other 25 products including uninterruptible power supply, electrical equipment with translation or dictionary function, drawing table with data processing system and drawing machine with machine and data processing system


      (2) Login verification (2 headings)

      Two products, such as "electrostatic converters for automatic data processing machines and their affiliated units and communication equipment" and "other switching power supplies", have been changed from conformity statement inspection methods to product verification registration.


      (3) Declaration of conformity (25 items, 18 items required by safety regulations)

      1.Includes pocket-sized data recording, reproduction and display machines with calculation functions, electronic calculators (not operated by external power sources), electronic calculators with list devices, other electronic calculators, other calculators, Parts and accessories of hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, optical drives, other disk drives, other storage units, other automatic data processor units, other machines such as 8471.10 (limited to inspection of computer motherboards of Class B and I / O A total of 17 items such as various types of plug-in cards for B-type computers have already been tested for compliance.


      2.Use word processors, automatic typewriters, electric typewriters, other electric typewriters, braille typewriters (less than 12 kg), blind typewriters (more than 12 kg), non-electric typewriters (less than 12 kg) ), Other non-electric typewriters and other eight products are reclassified as Declaration of Conformity (DoC) inspection.


      3. Seven items of electronic calculators (excluding operators with external power supplies), internal magnetic (optical) disk drives, computer motherboards and add-in cards are not included in the scope of safety inspection.


      BSMI certification process


      Under the leadership of the government's economic department, the Standards Inspection Bureau (BSMI) formulates product inspection specifications for electronic and electrical products entering the Taiwan market. Products must comply with safety, EMC and related tests before they can be authorized to use the BSMI logo.


      BSMI is mandatory and he has requirements for both EMC and SAFETY.


      BSMI currently does not have a factory inspection, but must act in accordance with the regulations of the Bureau of Standards.


      Taiwan voltage: single phase 110V / 220, three phase 220V, frequency 60Hz.


      BSMI application methods: There are currently three application methods.


      1. Type approval includes two types:


      1. Type approval (EMC + Safety). From January 1, 2004, 178 types of electronic and electrical products need to apply for such approval. Applicable standards: EMC + Safety, required documents (product type approval application, company or factory license, test report, technical documents for electromagnetic compatibility: photos, labels, parts with electromagnetic interference, block diagram And user manuals and technical documents for safety regulations). Certificate validity: three years, can be renewed once.


      2. EMC type approval (replacing the original EMC application) will be enforced from November 1, 2002. Applicable products: 61 items of electronic and electrical products only have EMI requirements, and 124 items of electronic and electrical products only need EMI + safety report (if the products have safety requirements). Applicable standards: EMI only. The documents that need to be provided are: electromagnetic compatibility type approval application, test report, technical documents: photos, labels, components with electromagnetic compatibility, block diagrams and user manuals.


      Certification Registration


      Enforcement date: Not yet announced, applicable standard: EMI + safety regulations. The documents to be provided are (application for product type approval, company or factory license, test report, technical documents for electromagnetic compatibility: photos, labels, parts with electromagnetic interference